The company was founded in 2000. Since the beginning of its business activity, the company has been developing dynamically and launching new products on the domestic and European Union markets. The company’s headquarters and production plant are located in Margońska Wieś in the Margonin commune (Chodzież County, Greater Poland Voivodeship).
The company operates based on the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard
About us
Welcome on our website
EKO-KLAN LLC specializes in the processing and production of toilet paper and other hygiene products
We look forward to our cooperation!

Margońska Wieś 34A
64-830 Margonin
woj. wielkopolskie
64-830 Margonin
woj. wielkopolskie
+48 67 284 60 97
Projekt i realizacja Regiobiznes 2023